Monday, July 18, 2011

Ward Campout

On June 24 we had our annual ward campout. We got there just as they started serving dinner. For dinner they served Navajo Tacos, chips, some fruit, and pop. Jeff really enjoyed the Navajo Tacos, and I think he had four or five. For dessert there were about about 10 different types of dutch oven pies. After dinner we made bottle rockets and had a frisbee golf tournament. Our bottle rocket was the only one that didn't fall apart from the impact of the landing. Even though our rocket was virtually indestructible it didn't fly very high. Jeff made a serious mistake in the construction of the rocket, he put everything on backwards. That meant that all of the weight was at the top of the rocket instead of the bottom. It still flew about 100 feet in the air. The best thing about the rocket is that the kids in the ward could launch it as many times as they wanted since it couldn't be destroyed. Below is a picture from the first hole of the frisbee golf tournament. There were 5 holes, and the top score was 8. Jeff and I both got 10.
We played in groups of 4 (usually 2 couples). The top scorer in each group got some laffy taffy. The guy who took 2nd overall was in our group (also pictured above).

I was trying to take some taffy while I thought nobody was looking. Jeff happened to be looking, and tried to get a picture of me in the act.

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